This short film is a comedy based around a trio of geeks, who come up with a plan to throw their first house party before university in an attempt to become ‘popular’. They send invites via Facebook to a couple hundred people expecting a full house. Undeterred by the fact they have never experienced any sort of party other than the ones thrown by their parents each year for their birthdays and have never spoken to the majority of the people they invited, they go forward with their master plan. The three main characters are Oliver, James and Cedrick, they are an introverted group of childhood friends who have known each other since preschool, they are well educated and their hobbies include computer coding, reading and singing. In the first act they are all shown coming up with the idea and sending the invites from Facebook. There will also be some extras used which will play non speaking roles as ‘friends’ who turn up to the party, also we will use an attractive female character and male for the ending scene. The film last for around 4-5 minutes, it will consist of 3 different acts, the first in the bedroom when they send the invites, the second when they go shopping for alcohol and the third, the ‘party’. The first act will be set in the flat that they three friends currently live in, the basic props will include things such as a computer, case of books and guitar etc. The second act will be set in the streets and a shop, this is where the characters are shown confused on what to buy for their party. The third and final act will be in the room which is used for the actual party, here all of the actors will be shown, the main cast and extras, they will be shown drinking, smoking and trying to dance/sing. Towards the end of the scene the female actor will be shown in the street and the main cast will move outside for the ending scene. This short film will be targeted towards people of a similar age, young adults, people can relate to this film through past experiences such as their first house party at college or university. The main props for the whole film will be: computers, alcohol, cigarettes, money and books.
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